Planned Maintenance Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting System - Connect Platform, Customer Portal, Incoming Calls, and Outgoing Calls

We will be performing maintenance on our network infrastructure on Friday, 22nd March 2024, between 00:00 and 00:30 UTC. Whilst we do not expect any downtime, there may be a brief period of increased latency or packet loss as traffic is rerouted through alternative paths in our network.

Issues affecting calls Resolved
Priority - Medium Affecting System - Incoming Calls and Outgoing Calls

We're aware of an issue currently affecting call quality through our network. We're investigating, and we'll provide updates as soon as possible.

Update: A damaged fibre between data centre locations caused packet loss. After the link was disabled, normal operations resumed. There are 2 other links that share the same fibre and therefore internal network traffic is considered “at risk”. The issue has been escalated to the fibre provider for remediation.

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